Let me preface this whole blog by saying I am a proud Democrat. And yes, I got the title for this blog from a Muse song.
I was just on YouTube and one of the featured clips was from Media Matters. It was a mash-up of a clip of Dwight from The Office and a clip of Glenn Beck's radio program. They were both talking about crazy conspiracy theories about OnStar and how the government is using it to spy on Americans.
While I'm pretty sure they can get away with it because of the B.S. piece of legislation that is known as the Patriot Act, I am loving the irony of the situation. Of course when Bush was in office, they (the conservative media) didn't have any problem with OnStar and consumer products like it. But now that the crazy liberal crackpot Obama is in office, it's a horrible thing that we must stand up against and get rid of.
And then there's the pissing contest between the White House and Fox News. I'm sure the White House would love to have Fox News around and more involved. But ever since he was elected, and even during the campaign, they did nothing but spew hate and lies. They haven't been playing ball at all during his candidacy and presidency. Unfortunately, a good chunk of Americans are buying into the crap that they are spewing and not looking further into what Fox is saying or what they have been trying to accomplish in D.C. They are flocking to Fox News because they are scared of change, even if it's good change, and the wonderful folks at Fox are feeding them the lies that make them feel better and sleep at night. Do your research people!! Don't believe a word anyone says (liberal or conservative) without looking further into it! While I am a Democrat, I'm not looking at the adminstration or Congress through rose-colored glasses. They all have some major flaws, but until the next round of elections next year, we have to deal with what we have.
Glenn Beck himself is a topic for another post...
As is thoughts on health care reform and the war...