As an aside, here's what I think of the rise of Christine O'Donnell. By now, many jokes have been made about her being anti-masturbation and having "dabbled" in witchcraft. I think the focus on her masturbation comments is ridiculous, personally. But are the left-wing bloggers that desperate to discredit her that they are stooping to this level? The fact that she's a Tea Party candidate should be enough! Attack her on policies, not crazy comments she's made on MTV and Bill Maher. For that matter, don't bring up the witchcraft thing at all. It's a religion just like every other, so making fun of her for this is the equivalent of making fun of someone who's Jewish but dabbled in Buddhism. And don't bring it up if you're arguing about how she's anti-Muslim. It just makes you look stupid and a hypocrite. This isn't Rand Paul. You can't call him out for saying he'd vote in favor of the Civil Rights Act and then saying he supports a private business' right to segregate and discrminate. Find some dirt like that and then go after her.
That being said, I can partly sympathize with the Tea Party. I 100% agree that there should be term limits on all politicians in Congress. Both parties are guilty of taking money and gifts from lobbyists. They are more concerned with lining their own pockets and getting re-elected to keep the money and gifts coming to really do the will of the people. I still cannot believe that the Supreme Court sided with corporations earlier this year when they said corporations can unlimitly donate to political campaigns. At this point, We The People don't really matter. It's asinine for me to donate anything to my candidate if a company can donate millions to the other candidate just so the company can have that candidate in their back pocket. I 100% agree that the government shouldn't be spending money they don't have. They are spending away my future and the future of any children I may have down the line. However, that's where the sympathy ends.
I cannot get behind a movement that is filled to the brim with neo-cons. If they are fighting for the people to "take back America," why are they alienating the sane, sensible moderates who are
the majority of the American people? Anyone who has a basic understanding of statistics knows what a bell curve is. The Tea Party is the fringe on the far right side of the bell curve (-2 SD in the image on the right). The otherside of the spectrum is inhabited by the crazy hippy liberals (+2 SD). Statistically speaking, the overwhelming majority of people reside somewhere in the happy middle and lean to the left or right.
I do not see the Tea Party as an answer to the collective woes of our nation that they are fighting for. I see it as a cycle we are now in. It goes back for generations, I'm sure. But I think it's recently become hyperbolic and polarizing. One side will win control of the White House and Congress. The other side refuses to cooperate with those in power because they are sore losers. The other side will then spin the fact that those in power didn't accomplish anything or weren't acting with the values of the people in mind. They will then win back the White House and/or Congress and the cycle will begin anew. Is this really the way to govern? Do you really think that if the Tea Party makes any headway in the political system that they would change things and break this cycle? I'd say definitely not. They are firmly on the extreme right of the political spectrum at the moment. However, if they were to lay off the crazy pills and try to start appealing to some sort of middle ground and not pander to the extremists on either sides, they may be onto something that I could agree with. If they can gain ground with the people in the middle and those in the middle that lean to the left, they may actually do what they want, and if term limits get imposed, they will get America back to being ruled by the people, for the people.
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