It's come to my attention in the past couple days that I need to insist Geico "dump" R. Lee Ermey of Full Metal Jacket fame because of a rant in which he blasted Obama. Seriously, liberals? Why are you getting your panties in a knot over this? This rant happened to be at a Toys for Tots event last month, which is a Marines charity. And for those of you who don't know, Ermey was in the Marines before he started acting. He's a badass in real life and could still probably kick your ass to next Tuesday if he wanted to. He's been affiliated with the Marines long before Geico came around. Granted, there are better venues for him to say that Obama is destroying America, but it WASN'T a Geico event. It would have been another story if it had been. And I'm also not going to sit here and defend what he said. I think it's deplorable that he's calling on our armed services to rise up against Obama's administration. But calling on Geico to get rid of his ads? Seriously? That's tantamount to calling a boycott against Geico because of his actions. It would've been a lot more scandalous I think if the guy who does the gecko voice or the guy playing the CEO, or even the guy who asks if calling Geico can save you money {insert commercial set-up}
I've never really understood why people get all worked up when they find out people in the entertainment arena have political opinions with which they don't agree. In the real world, I work very closely with a couple of raging Tea Partiers. But you know what? We rarely ever talk politics because we know where we all stand on certain issues. And when we do, it's a very civil conversation where we always end up agreeing to disagree. I respect their opinion, they respect mine and we try to find a common, middle ground. Do Stewart and Colbert need to have another rally to remind you crazies out there to behave and not to stoop to the same level as the other guys? We're better than that! If Ermey thinks Obama is destroying America, let's work to prove him wrong, not call on Geico to pull his ads. He's already been paid. It won't hurt him any if they don't run any more.
*sigh* OK I feel better. It just irks me when people call for boycotts. They rarely work. People just need to get off their sanctimonious high horses, quit their bitching and move on with life. Develop a thicker skin, for Christ's sake.
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