Thursday, March 25, 2010


Can someone please explain to me how the healthcare bill equals any of these?

(Definitions taken from

1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.
2. (often initial capital letter) a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.
3. (initial capital letter) the principles and practices of the Communist party.

1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. (initial capital letter) a fascist movement, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

The GOP is just throwing around these scary-sounding words and not paying any attention to the meaning of these words they nonchalantly throw out at the masses. And since the average American is an idiot (sorry, but we collectively have the IQ of a rock. Either get over that fact or get an education), they hear them and think "I think I remember learning about that in grade school. Isn't that bad? Does this mean I should be against this bill?" without figuring out what the words themselves actually mean. Sorry, but semantics matter. It's not that surprising to me that people don't care about it anymore since we live in an era where we have shortened our speech patterns to outside the arena of texting. To me, saying healthcare reform is any of these words is the semantic version of "Let's eat Grandma" vs. "Let's eat, Grandma." There's a big difference there. And it's only by the placement of a comma do we go from cannibilism to stating that it's time to have a meal with your grandmother.

A little side note: If you're really against this so-called socialism, I will gladly take your Social Security checks and Medicare benefits off your hands when you retire. We've had "socialized" retirement and healthcare for decades now. Didn't think about that one, did you? If you're already retired, I'll take your Social Security checks any day to supplement my income. I need to pay off student loans. :)

Here's a blog post that I felt sums up my feelings towards the GOP at the moment, as well:

The Democrats really aren't any better as far as party politics is concerned. They are pretty much taking the stance that since they are in a majority, they are just going to simply do what they want since they have Obama to rubberstamp what they pass and not consult with the GOP. This is not the way to govern our country, people! There needs to be public discourse between parties so that the bill really is for the people since the vast majority of people in this country identify with either party. To me, if it's truly a bipartisan bill, both parties are OK with it as a whole and still have problems with the details. That's OK. That's what legislation is for. You can fix parts of it if it becomes apparent it's not working. And that's what I find so funny about the healthcare bill. There are amendments and provisions in there that the GOP put in, and yet they unanimously voted against it just because they feel it will better them politically to stand against it. It remains to be seen if this will bite them in the ass when it comes to elections, and that depends on whether the bill is seen as a success or failure in the months leading up to the mid-term elections.

And as for Congress itself, they need a major overhaul. They haven't been able to do their job in over a decade because of this aura of hyper-partisanship surrounding Capitol Hill. When the GOP had power in the 90's, they killed healthcare the first time around under Clinton. The Dems killed Social Security privatization in return a few years ago under Bush. It seems like neither party wants to be an adult about all this and work across the aisle because they are still licking their wounds. This is why I think a 3rd political party is needed. They can come in and actually legislate while they spend all their time fighting. I'd imagine the Democrats and Republicans would eventually go the way of the Federalists, Whigs and all the other political parties and just evolve into another party.

I can see why George Washington didn't have a political party. I think his fears have become a reality. He feared they would lead to nothing but conflict and stagnation. And what do we have today? Fighting between the parties and threats of filibuster. The founding fathers as a whole I think would be rolling in their graves if they saw the way our government runs now. Hell, they are probably yelling at the top of their lungs up in heaven, hoping Congress will get with the picture.

Here's another good article I've found over the course of the week:

Ugh. That's just little old me and my opinion.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Muse

I'm going to have a minor pop culture moment. Or a music snob moment. Look at it whichever way you want.

I know I bitch about this frequently to my friends and ocassionally as status updates on Facebook. Anyone who has known me for the past maybe 5 years or so knows I'm a Muse fan. I remember hearing "Stockholm Syndrome" and thinking that it was a really good song. Fast forward to 2006 when Black Holes and Revelations came out. By then, they had released a few more songs that they played on the radio in the US - "Time is Running Out" & "Hysteria" among them. I had really liked all the singles they put out from Absolution. The first couple singles off BH&R were amazing, then I was hit with pure sonic bliss otherwise known as "Knights of Cydonia." I was hooked from then on. I went back and downloaded Showbiz, Origin of Symmetry and completed Absolution. I've recently finished tracking down all their old singles for the B-sides. Long story short, I now have a near-complete Muse discography.

Hell, I drove 16 hours roundtrip last weekend to see them in Atlanta. Honestly, I'd drive all night if I had to to see them. If I could afford it, I'd follow them on their entire North America tour and go to Coachella next month just for them (OK, maybe Muse, Thom Yorke, Them Crooked Vultures and MGMT. Damn...why aren't I going to that?)

To the point of this rant.

I hate Twilight for 2 major reasons. #1: The way the books ended was a gigantic cop-out. I lost all my respect for Stephenie Meyer as an author and the books as a whole after I finished reading Breaking Dawn. Are you really going to end the series you just spent 4 books setting up with a verbal discussion and have everyone live happily ever after? Really? They're fucking vampires. Have some blood and guts, for Christ's sake. Even Harry Potter, which is aimed at a younger audience, had the courage to kill off a few of beloved characters. And that was even before the 7th book even started. #2: If it weren't for Twilight, Muse would not be anywhere as near as popular as they are right now. I am in no way accusing them of selling out. They were selling out concerts in coliseums in Europe long before I had ever heard of them. I just feel that their music is above the average Twi-hard's head. I don't think any other band they would typically listen to would have references to the Chaos Theory ("Butterflies and Hurricanes"), not to mention a song named after a psychological condition. OK, kiddies. No cheating. What is Stockholm Syndrome? Most people who say they like Muse only like them because of Twilight and I'm sure if I put them on the spot and asked them to name one song that isn't on the soundtrack, BH&R or The Resistance, they wouldn't know. Name me the B-side for Uno. Hell, name one album that came out before BH&R. And even if you can name me those things, can you honestly tell me you knew who they were before Twilight? Their music is just so out there lyrically, I don't know how it inspired Stephenie Meyer to write a vampire love story. Do you really think "Starlight" is a love song about another person? I'm sure your're wondering "But what about 'I Belong to You?'" It's a song they re-did so they could include it on the New Moon soundtrack since they wanted exclusivity. And I'll give you that it's pretty much a love song, but it's on an album that is extremely political. Besides, it was released in 2009, after the books were done being published.

Ugh. I'm done. I just needed to get all that out in the open. I am in no way letting my bias against Twilight put a damper on my love affair with Muse.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3rd political party in the US future?

Can there please be a 3rd political party soon? I know I said last time I'm Democratic. But the Democrats unfortunately don't have backbone to push through any legislation. I refuse to switch to Republicans because generally speaking, they don't give a damn about anything except for keeping the rich rich and scaring the American people into believing what they want them to so that they can get away with murder. I'm trying to believe that America will open their eyes and see that the current system is extremely corrupt.

To me, the only way to make any real change in this country is to create this 3rd party. Vote out everyone currently in office. They don't really care about the American people, they just want to keep their pockets lined with lobbyist money. And the Supreme Court basically just said "Fuck you" to the people they are supposed to be working for when they voted to allow lobbying firms to donate unlimited money to campaign funds. Really, Supreme Court? Really? How are We The People supposed to gain any influence with these politicians if you can give them all the money they want so that they will do what you want?

And this B.S. Tea Party movement is making me want to cry. OK, you're against new taxes. Are you really such a cold-hearted person that you don't care if your family, friends and neighbors are dropping like flies because they can't afford health insurance anymore? I'm going to generalize here for a moment. Generally speaking, the people in this movement are Republicans. Generally speaking, Republicans are God-fearing Christians.

Matthew 25:45 - Then he will answer them, saying, "Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."

I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't look too kindly on everyone not wanting to help out their fellow man.