Thursday, March 4, 2010

3rd political party in the US future?

Can there please be a 3rd political party soon? I know I said last time I'm Democratic. But the Democrats unfortunately don't have backbone to push through any legislation. I refuse to switch to Republicans because generally speaking, they don't give a damn about anything except for keeping the rich rich and scaring the American people into believing what they want them to so that they can get away with murder. I'm trying to believe that America will open their eyes and see that the current system is extremely corrupt.

To me, the only way to make any real change in this country is to create this 3rd party. Vote out everyone currently in office. They don't really care about the American people, they just want to keep their pockets lined with lobbyist money. And the Supreme Court basically just said "Fuck you" to the people they are supposed to be working for when they voted to allow lobbying firms to donate unlimited money to campaign funds. Really, Supreme Court? Really? How are We The People supposed to gain any influence with these politicians if you can give them all the money they want so that they will do what you want?

And this B.S. Tea Party movement is making me want to cry. OK, you're against new taxes. Are you really such a cold-hearted person that you don't care if your family, friends and neighbors are dropping like flies because they can't afford health insurance anymore? I'm going to generalize here for a moment. Generally speaking, the people in this movement are Republicans. Generally speaking, Republicans are God-fearing Christians.

Matthew 25:45 - Then he will answer them, saying, "Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."

I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't look too kindly on everyone not wanting to help out their fellow man.

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