Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A quick thought about the oil spill and government oversight

I hope that there's going to be a massive overhaul of MMS and the government's oversight of the oil industry. I'm glad that Obama announced that he is naming another czar that the Republicans hate so much to oversee the oil industry. The people who don't want the government to overreach and have an oversight committee for every aspect of American life I think are the idealists, not me. We live in a very twisted, greedy era. If the government doesn't step in and tell people running industries and businesses what they can and cannot do, they will get away with bloody murder without so much a slap on the wrist. Deregulation and lax oversight is what got us into the hot economic mess we are in now. Deregulation lets people like Bernie Madoff get away with gigantic cases of fraud. Sure, there are corrupt people in government as well. Case in point, the cozy relationship between MMS and the oil companies. But I think as a whole, the people at the top of industry and business pose a greater threat to the American people than the government does. I'm probably going to be called a socialist for verbalizing this, but I can live with that. I'd rather have the government looking out for me like they're supposed to rather than watching them sit back and let all hell break loose.

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